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I was eager to play this game since I had been interested in Kid Paddle’s algebraic fight into an actual video game for a while.

The corruption system really makes sense to give a penalty to imperfect match proportional to the difference, while giving an extra change to the player to make things right (or fail to match once more and propagate corruption further).

My second run went pretty well, I kept using unit 20 => divide in 2x 10, square 10 to 100 and easily reach big numbers. At the end I picked the “merge digits” card which was super powerful and allowed me to reach the boss’s HP in just two steps.

The game is pretty and is a technical “sugar” as usual with the engine. Even grass moves!

The ingame interface is nice as instead of selecting a pair of objects you click between them, and move units around to prepare this, making the game more toy-like and funny to work with (maybe inspired by educational tools that let kids move numbers and letters around to form words and bigger numbers).

Now for a few issues:

  • after the last fight of an area, GO! appears but then the soldiers don’t move and just celebrate. They should probably just reappear and celebrate, without the GO which gives the impression there is another phase after the last one.
  • I didn’t get that you were deactivating bonuses in story mode: I assumed all bonuses were disabled by default and just clicked to start. So at the end of the area, I was sent back to main menu, tried next area and discovered I needed 3 more starts, but I had gotten 0 since I had so many helpers active without noticing! It’s obvious when you try to toggle helpers that they are deactivated (text is struck and star score increases), but the first time if you don’t try it, you don’t notice the 0 star (thought it was a hiscore of something) and just end up playing for 0 star. May be good to explain this better to players who want to play hardcore and assume bonuses are disabled by default.
  • the Sword (attack) button is far in the top-left making mouse play pretty slow. Fortunately I discovered classic PC shortcuts 1-2-3… numpad keys for quick access of Attack and Spells. This could be added as a hint so players not used to MOBA don’t have to guess them.


Great concept for a game! Hoping to see it expanded a bit more.

When there are too many units on the screen, they start shuffling around non stop and very quickly so its hard to select your units' abilities.

Fortunately, some of them got stuck in a corner long enough to select.



Can you please make a Linux version?

HI PUNKCAKE Délicieux,  my name is facundo R. do you need someone to translate your games?, cause i´m interested in your game , I offer my translation services for free to gain experience for my portfolio. if you do, pls respond, have a good day.

Fun game. 




Great ! I love when educational games looks like games =D

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love that design

This looks super cool!

Oh, and how big is your team that you can bring out a game every month?

I'm super impressed!



Игра классная, мне очень понравилась

Since the numbers on enemies keep changing every playthrough, is every fight winnable? Does it calculate the enemy numbers or is it random and sometimes there is no way to win?


Because this is a roguelike, you have to be careful about your card choices every time you get one, or  indeed you may end up in an unwinnable position.


the way math works, it should be statistically likely that you are able to win each fight, especially if you know how to use the sword to essentially get free add/subtract operations.


Love the art style and concept, nice work!


Is every battle winnable? I have a feeling not every battle is winnable.

(2 edits)

Fun game. I found a bug with the "multiply soldier by itself" card. I think that's the name. The bug is that I wasn't able to cancel that card. In my final battle I clicked it but wanted to cancel and couldn't. It made for a very tense final battle. I won the battle despite me ending with a 2500 value soldier and a 4 soldier that carried the heavy lifting. Hard to explain without boring people. It was awesome!

Another "bug" is the placement of the enemies. There was a time when I thought the enemy was like 11 but turns out another enemy was covering their true value of 115. What a surprise when my 11 soldier didn't kill that enemy and its true value was revealed.

Overall, quite good and fun despite the bugs. 

I just noticed the rewind button on the top right. I could have used that to rewind that card. Oh well. Now I know.


This is one of the only games I've seen that actually looks educational while also being fun. Outstanding work!